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Meet VOTR your personal voting assistant -the Al based voting app that enables you to explore, converse and match.


VOTR is free from any political bias or influence without labels so you choose the person not the party

VOTR is free from any political bias or influence without labels so you choose the person not the party

Conversational Al app that matches your beliefs with candidates

Conversational Al app that matches your beliefs with candidates

Explore topics that are important to you such as economy, healthcare, education & civil liberties

Converse about values that are important to you privately without judgment or influence.

Match with candidates who share your views with accurate and impartial information.

Discover positions & voting records of candidates on local and national levels

Discover positions & voting records of candidates on local and national levels

Discover positions & voting records of candidates on local & national levels

Secure & encrypted solution that utilizes your device to host the AI so your information is kept private.

Secure & encrypted solution that utilizes your device to host the AI so your information is kept private.

Secure & encrypted solution that utilizes your device to host the AI so your information is kept private.

Match you with candidates who share your views with accurate and impartial information.

Featured by Apple

App Store

Empowering you to make informed choices

Empowering you to make informed choices

© 2023 VOTR